cache[__METHOD__] ) ) { $this->cache[__METHOD__] = new KeywordMatcher( [ 'initial', 'inherit', 'unset', 'revert', 'revert-layer' ] ); } return $this->cache[__METHOD__]; } /** * CSS-color extension enabling RGBA * @see * @return Matcher */ public function color() { if ( !isset( $this->cache[__METHOD__] ) ) { $color = new Alternative( [ parent::color(), new TokenMatcher( Token::T_HASH, static function ( Token $t ) { return preg_match( '/^([0-9a-f]{4})|([0-9a-f]{8})$/i', $t->value() ); } ), ]); $this->cache[__METHOD__] = $color; } return $this->cache[__METHOD__]; } /** * Adds `var` support to color functions * @return Matcher|Matcher[] */ protected function colorFuncs() { if ( !isset( $this->cache[__METHOD__] ) ) { $var = new FunctionMatcher( 'var', new VarNameMatcher() ); $i = $this->integer(); $iVar = new Alternative([ $var, $i ]); $n = $this->number(); $nVar = new Alternative([ $var, $n ]); $p = $this->percentage(); $pVar = new Alternative([ $var, $p ]); $this->cache[__METHOD__] = [ new FunctionMatcher( 'rgb', new Alternative( [ Quantifier::hash( $iVar, 3, 3 ), Quantifier::hash( $pVar, 3, 3 ), Quantifier::hash( $var, 1, 3 ), ] ) ), new FunctionMatcher( 'rgba', new Alternative( [ new Juxtaposition( [ $iVar, $iVar, $iVar, $nVar ], true ), new Juxtaposition( [ $pVar, $pVar, $pVar, $nVar ], true ), Quantifier::hash( $var, 1, 4 ), new Juxtaposition( [ Quantifier::hash( $var, 1, 3 ), $nVar ], true ), ] ) ), new FunctionMatcher( 'hsl', new Alternative([ new Juxtaposition( [ $nVar, $pVar, $pVar ], true ), Quantifier::hash($var, 1, 3), ]) ), new FunctionMatcher( 'hsla', new Alternative([ new Juxtaposition( [ $nVar, $pVar, $pVar, $nVar ], true ), Quantifier::hash($var, 1, 4), ]) ), ]; } return $this->cache[__METHOD__]; } /** * This is in reality a complete copy of the parent hook with line 68 and 110 extended * This can very easily break if there is an update upstream * * @inheritDoc * T241946 */ public function cssMediaQuery( $strict = true ) { $key = __METHOD__ . ':' . ( $strict ? 'strict' : 'unstrict' ); if ( self::$extendedCssMediaQuery === false || !isset( $this->cache[$key] ) ) { if ( $strict ) { $generalEnclosed = new NothingMatcher(); $mediaType = new KeywordMatcher( [ 'all', 'print', 'screen', 'speech', // deprecated 'tty', 'tv', 'projection', 'handheld', 'braille', 'embossed', 'aural' ] ); $rangeFeatures = [ 'width', 'height', 'aspect-ratio', 'resolution', 'color', 'color-index', 'monochrome', // deprecated 'device-width', 'device-height', 'device-aspect-ratio' ]; $discreteFeatures = [ 'orientation', 'scan', 'grid', 'update', 'overflow-block', 'overflow-inline', 'color-gamut', 'pointer', 'hover', 'any-pointer', 'any-hover', 'scripting', 'prefers-color-scheme' ]; $mfName = new KeywordMatcher( array_merge( $rangeFeatures, array_map( function ( $f ) { return "min-$f"; }, $rangeFeatures ), array_map( function ( $f ) { return "max-$f"; }, $rangeFeatures ), $discreteFeatures ) ); } else { $anythingPlus = new AnythingMatcher( [ 'quantifier' => '+' ] ); $generalEnclosed = new Alternative( [ new FunctionMatcher( null, $anythingPlus ), new BlockMatcher( Token::T_LEFT_PAREN, new Juxtaposition( [ $this->ident(), $anythingPlus ] ) ), ] ); $mediaType = $this->ident(); $mfName = $this->ident(); } $posInt = $this->calc( new TokenMatcher( Token::T_NUMBER, function ( Token $t ) { return $t->typeFlag() === 'integer' && preg_match( '/^\+?\d+$/', $t->representation() ); } ), 'integer' ); $eq = new DelimMatcher( '=' ); $oeq = Quantifier::optional( new Juxtaposition( [ new NoWhitespace, $eq ] ) ); $ltgteq = Quantifier::optional( new Alternative( [ $eq, new Juxtaposition( [ new DelimMatcher( [ '<', '>' ] ), $oeq ] ), ] ) ); $lteq = new Juxtaposition( [ new DelimMatcher( '<' ), $oeq ] ); $gteq = new Juxtaposition( [ new DelimMatcher( '>' ), $oeq ] ); $mfValue = new Alternative( [ $this->number(), $this->dimension(), $this->ident(), new KeywordMatcher( [ 'light', 'dark' ] ), new Juxtaposition( [ $posInt, new DelimMatcher( '/' ), $posInt ] ), ] ); $mediaInParens = new NothingMatcher(); // temporary $mediaNot = new Juxtaposition( [ new KeywordMatcher( 'not' ), &$mediaInParens ] ); $mediaAnd = new Juxtaposition( [ new KeywordMatcher( 'and' ), &$mediaInParens ] ); $mediaOr = new Juxtaposition( [ new KeywordMatcher( 'or' ), &$mediaInParens ] ); $mediaCondition = new Alternative( [ $mediaNot, new Juxtaposition( [ &$mediaInParens, new Alternative( [ Quantifier::star( $mediaAnd ), Quantifier::star( $mediaOr ), ] ) ] ), ] ); $mediaConditionWithoutOr = new Alternative( [ $mediaNot, new Juxtaposition( [ &$mediaInParens, Quantifier::star( $mediaAnd ) ] ), ] ); $mediaFeature = new BlockMatcher( Token::T_LEFT_PAREN, new Alternative( [ new Juxtaposition( [ $mfName, new TokenMatcher( Token::T_COLON ), $mfValue ] ), // $mfName, // new Juxtaposition( [ $mfName, $ltgteq, $mfValue ] ), // , 1st alternative new Juxtaposition( [ $mfValue, $ltgteq, $mfName ] ), // , 2nd alternative new Juxtaposition( [ $mfValue, $lteq, $mfName, $lteq, $mfValue ] ), // , 3rd alt new Juxtaposition( [ $mfValue, $gteq, $mfName, $gteq, $mfValue ] ), // , 4th alt ] ) ); $mediaInParens = new Alternative( [ new BlockMatcher( Token::T_LEFT_PAREN, $mediaCondition ), $mediaFeature, $generalEnclosed, ] ); $this->cache[$key] = new Alternative( [ $mediaCondition, new Juxtaposition( [ Quantifier::optional( new KeywordMatcher( [ 'not', 'only' ] ) ), $mediaType, Quantifier::optional( new Juxtaposition( [ new KeywordMatcher( 'and' ), $mediaConditionWithoutOr, ] ) ) ] ) ] ); } self::$extendedCssMediaQuery = true; return $this->cache[$key]; } }